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Buying adapalene ointment, you might also want to ask them about the possibility of drug working to treat a condition called "benign prostatic hypertrophy," which results from excessive testosterone exposure in men. The condition, which usually shows up during puberty, occurs in men who produce only a fraction of the testosterone they did as children. Doctors have long suspected that low-level estrogen production plays a role in the condition--but until now adapalene over the counter cost little was known about exactly how. In the study, healthy men taking pill had lower levels of estrogen than those receiving a placebo. But more intriguing is what happens when men taking the drug in this study also take a daily dosage of hormone called androgens. (Testosterone is another hormone that men produce, but it's not involved in normal male development or prostatic hypertrophy.) During the weeks following androgen treatment in the study men who were taking the hormone saw a decrease in their androgen levels. The same thing happened in placebo group, but not the men who took adapalene ointment. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below "This was the first clinical trial to examine the effects of these hormones simultaneously in healthy young men," says study coauthor Robert Garceau, director of clinical research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. "We were surprised to see that the placebo group actually did decrease their androgen levels during the study. That suggests if you are taking adapalene in order to treat benign prostatic adapalene and benzoyl peroxide gel over the counter hypertrophy we should expect some results with these additional testosterone treatments," he says. That's good news for men who take a number of other hormonal treatments, like gonadsotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs, for instance. But the effect on androgen level is more significant. While it's too early to know yet if adapalene has any effect on other hormone levels in young men, the treatment is showing promise, says coauthor Bruce Hollis, director of the division urology and urogynecology at Loma Linda University in California. For instance, testosterone levels have come in consistently higher patients getting adjuvant treatment, he says. "Adapalene is beginning to show promise in some types of men with low testosterone as we think about the development of different treatments," says Hollis. If this drug works well as part of a hormonal regimen, it might work well for men with benign prostatic hypertrophy as well, says study coauthor David Goldstein, M.D., a professor of men's health at Harvard Medical School. "For some, the goal might not be to lower testosterone levels so much that they can't pass a normal sex exam," says Goldstein, "but just the possibility of getting off estrogen and adapalene cream over the counter uk then lowering the androgens that cause these other side effects." The idea of using hormonal therapy to treat prostate cancer is exciting, too, says coauthor Alan W. Stein, M.D., chief of prostate cancer and reproductive endocrinology at Massachusetts General Hospital. With more conventional therapies, prostate cancer results in a steady decline the number and size of prostate gland, these effects are often seen years generic cialis canada online pharmacy after surgery or radiation, Stein notes. But if doctors can stop the decline, it allows prostate cancer patients to live longer than they otherwise might, which could be beneficial in itself. "These guys are their 40s or 50s, and they might not be able to have cancer treatment for many more years, so it would be good if we could stop the progression of"

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